Why is Anne Clark ignoring David Harrow, who wrote the music for "Sleeper in Metropolis"
Sep 16, 2024
3 min read
Why is Anne Clark ignoring David Harrow who wrote her other hit piece “Sleeper in Metropolis”?
What has he done to her?
Anne calls Charlie Morgan her soulmate, Charlie sadly has died early. And isn't it so easy to speak about people once they have died? And isn't it easy to just post about dogs who don't question you?

Why doesn't Anne invite David Harrow on stage like I now suggested? Because her pretentious manager and guitarist Jeff Aug, who fucked up her book is too full of himself to do his job properly. And Jeff doesn't want any more competition. Am I right or am I right, Jeff Fraud?
But all that is on Anne herself, who drops people like “hot potatoes”, as we say in Germany, when she doesn't need them anymore.
Anne called the police on me ONLY AFTER I copied in her fans that her book “Notes Taken Traces Left” is full of mistakes.
Please familiarize yourself with my story before you judge.
Start here: When you are Anne Clark …
And if there are mistakes in my texts on this blog here, please be aware that I write this solely on my own, have no money, have lost everything, am from Germany and learnt English as an adult. Anne with her 40 years in Germany with German musicians/friends still doesn't speak German, mind you.
And then there was this rich business woman from Hamburg, who's so toxic that my computer screen shuts down with diarrhoea.
Anne fell for her. Anne dropped her girlfriend of 8 years shortly after her GF came out of a massive back surgery. She dumped her publicly on Facebook for this wannabe “happy” person, who threatened me with her lawyer years ago when I was traumatised with emailing.
In these last days (early-mid September 2024) I called that woman from Hamburg every name under the sun to get her to keep her fake promise of talking to her lawyer. She's a name-dropper and insecure narcissist.
She fucked up Anne's website back in 2015, studied in Chicago, has all the money in the world to get a proper editor and proof reader, and can't even spell “happier” right.

THAT'S how “professional” she is. It's those fake "happy" people you need to be weary of. And that's the kind of people Anne falls for, while dumping people who are loyal to her as an artist and as a person. Coming out of a back surgery, getting dumped for a dumb business woman who can't spell, but drops names ... nah, thank you.
These are the people Anne surrounds herself with because they have money. And her band are her brothers she can rely on. And that's good. But why does Anne ignore David Harrow?
Now, I write publicly about Anne's fuck-ups and poor choice of collaborations, while David Harrow sits in Los Angeles, waiting to have his work recognized.
I commented to David and he at least recognises the shit I write about.
I go by "greenpeas":

What has David done to you, Anne?
I write this publicly because you ghosted me for years and then called the police once I copied some of your fans in, while before you didn't seem to have an issue with me emailing. For new readers, please see above links about the police issue.
I suggested to you now and to David Harrow to have him on stage and even collaborate with him.
God knows how little he got paid.
Still waiting for a lawsuit and police to handcuff me, the criminal.
And Daniela should apologize to her girlfriend for the years she betrayed her.
You all are fucking clowns, except T.
You can report me wherever, I am spreading this out on many platforms to NOT have all the eggs in one basket.
For more of the Anne Clark clown show, please see: https://petrockz.wixsite.com/petrock/blog
And for all those self-righteous folk, especially the Germans, who say I'm insane, yes I am! I am diagnosed with a mental health condition and prolonged PTSD after all the shit that came down on me, while I just lived my life in normality. Call me whatever you want to call me, as long as you spare me of your hypocrisy, dishonesty, insincerity, unfaithfulness and self-righteousness.
NEW post: Anne Clark would be Nowhere without David Harrow.
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